... Its been a LONG time coming, but yes... Hudson FINALLY had his first pearly white pop through this past Monday!! YAY. I have been suspecting teething for months now. So I am relieved to know that the reason Hudsy hasn't been wanting bottles lately did have something to do with his sore gums. It was funny because for the first 2 or three days that followed his tooth surfacing, he ate exceptionally well! But now its back to the same old same old. Practically having to trick him into drinking a bottle for every feeding. I wonder if this is normal, or if he is just having abnormal teething sensitivities.?? Any way, its been an interesting week for him, extra runny nose again, and other teething symptoms. But we are so excited he has his first little tooth, he literally wants his 2 front teeth by Christmas, and so do we!!
hmmmm, what else interesting happened this week.... Derek and I finished all three seasons of Arrested Development. I am addicted, and now sad that there are no more seasons to watch! But we also began watching the show "24" on netflix. Its awesome, and very addicting as well. We are actually watching it right now, already on the 10th episode. So I guess since theres nothing too exciting to blog about other than Hudson's lil tooth, I think I'll call it a night!
My favorite Christmas present eVER under the tree. ♥
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