Sooo, about 3 Sundays ago (on July 31st) Derek and I decided to fast for Hudson to start walking. I have googled a million different things about the "normal" age for babies to start walking, and almost every website says the same thing, that its absolutely normal between the ages of 9 and 18 months. A huge time span I know, but I didn't worry about it until he was 15 months and not even standing alone yet. Well, the Sunday that we were fasting and praying for him, he actually started standing by himself for the first time. We were so excited. 3 days later, he had officially taken his first step. The days following were slow progress, but he was taking more and more steps alone. By the next Sunday, he was to the point where he could walk alone as long as we were bribing him with a toy or treats to walk to. Now, three weeks later, he is still taking steps, but shows no interest in walking alone, and always prefers to crawl. I try not to worry about it, but its hard not to when every baby I know that's his age is walking by now.
When we get back to Idaho, in about 2 weeks from now, I am definately making an appointment with his Dr. just to be on the safe side. I guess I'll leave it up to the Doc to make the decision if he needs to see a specialist about this or not. I'm hoping he just says its normal, and that Hudsie will walk in his own time.... Guess we will see!! And who knows, maybe Hudson will be completely walking by himself by then. Because when he actually decided to crawl, he just crawled from then on, we didn't have to bribe him at all.
Any way. He is our amazing angel no matter when he decides to walk! He is such an intelligent and interactive little boy. And sooo big for his age too. He loves to color... ( or play with the crayons and paper), He loves swimming at our beautiful pool, Loves it when Daddy comes home from work... and cries when he leaves:(, He is SUCH a Daddy's boy, and if you read my previous post you saw that the whole thing was a tribute to how much they adore eachother ♥ I wouldn't have it any other way! Hudson understands and says so many words now. He's even starting to say his own name, in the form of "Hud" and its sooo amazing to see how fast he picks up on everything. We started him on sign language videos, and I bought him a baby signs book about 4 days ago. So we'll see how fast that goes, but he already does "help me", Love it! One thing is for sure, Hudson is the MOST snuggly 16 month old boy I have EVER known! He prefers to cuddle on Mommy or Daddy's lap over doing almost anything. Mommy and Daddy could never ask for more than such a loving, and loveable babe. Can't wait to make more amazing memories with you sweet angel.
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