I bundled him up yesterday and took him out to enjoy his first snowfall. He wasn't quite sure what to think of it at first, but then decided he LOVED it and was flashing the camera big smiles the whole time we were outside. Mommy loves watching him discover new fun things :-)
Hudson and his Great Great Grandma LaRae. Such precious pictures. Im glad we have photos that Hudson can look at one day and in some ways get to know his sweet Grandma :-)
We were at a baby shower this weekend, and baby Lucy and Chels were there, so Hudson and Lucy were playing together on the blanky the whole time. I think they are girlfriend and boyfriend. They are sooo cute together :-)
My big lucious bunny cheeks ♥

Here he is tonight, after his big "birthday dinner" :-) ...
Some things he has been up to at 7 months old:
* Still gets swaddled at night and during naps, he won't sleep without being bundled
* sleeping around 11 to 12 hours straight at night
* I think he's teething, but its been going on for a while now, so I'm not sure
* naps 2 times a day, for about 2 1/2 hours each
*Smiles at everyone, and NOT shy at all!
* Recently likes to snuggle for long periods of time, rather than getting bored with it, we all are enjoying that ♥
* Sitting up on his own for atleast 30 to 60 seconds at a time
* almost grown out of his swing
* rolls on his own terms, hasn't mastered the skill yet but will once in a while :)
* he takes steps when daddy or mommy "walk" with him on the floor
* likes to grab his stuffed animals and hug and snuggle them for a long time.
* one of my favorites, he unintentionally says "mamma" when he is upset or fussing!
* Loves his baths, they will calm him down no matter what
* Eats lots and lots now! Loves; avocado, applesauce, nannas, prunes, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, yogurt, and he will even eat little bits of bread when Grampa feeds it to him during sunday dinners :-) so cute! Still VERY picky about eating his bottles, which makes me suspicious about teething still. But isn't picky on his solids, he loves them!
Mommy and Daddy love our little angel baby so much! The more you grow and develop the more inlove with you we are. You are such a delight and bring so much to our lives every day. We can't even imagine what life was like without you, and can't wait to see what you do next!! Love you Hudson bear ♥
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