I thought I was clever when I put Hudson to bed tonight saying, "lets call it a year," instead of a "lets call it a night." haha. I seriously don't know where a year has gone though! I remember being in the hospital a year ago right now, not even out of the delivery room yet. I remember vividly the details of the whole delivery and hospital experience. It seems like it was just the other day, rather than 365 days ago!
Our sweet sweet Hudson. I can't begin to describe the joy that you have brought to our lives. Mom and Dad thought life couldn't get any better when we got married.... but then we had you. You have taught us more about ourselves in the past year, and brought so many wonderful aspects to life. Through the ups and downs, Daddy and I have become closer, stronger, more spiritual, harder workers, and most of all happier. I have honestly NEVER seen any one smile as much as you, especially someone your age. Just seeing that big grin makes makes it all worth it.
Mommy and Daddy will remember how special this year has been forever! As much as I wish I could stop time now, and keep you small forever, I also can't wait to see what you will do next. Everything you are is sacred and amazing. Thank you for choosing us as your earthly parents, what an honor it is to watch you grow, and help you learn right from wrong in this world. We love you forever our sweet angel baby, and can't wait to make many more precious memories with you!!
xoxoxoxo ♥ ♥
........ More Birthday Photo's and fun coming tomorrow ;)