Hudson my sweet baby has made sooooo many new developments just within the past 8 days! I love watching you grow and develop day by day, and month to month. New things he just started :
* Laughing out loud, not only the deep breath while smiling, but an irresistible gut laugh. Especially while we are playing "Pattie Cake"
* Holding his toys in hand and putting them up to his mouth to suck on
* Spotting mommy and daddy from across the room and "talking" to us LOUDLY :-)
* Blowing drool bubbles and humming
* mimicking tones and sounds we make to him
* Holding his head up for much longer while on his tummy
* Expressing the emotion of fear, whenever loud sudden noises happen, he bursts into scared tears.
* Loves everyone who loves and holds him, and is FULL of sweet smiles every day!.. probably the most smily baby Ive ever been around
............. auntie Em and our Hudson <3
Any way, the reason I called it Wonder weeks is because the "babywise theory' is that weeks 19, 28 and 48 of baby's life is supposedly a great leap of growth physically and mentally, so they are discovering more and becoming more alert of things around them during those specific times. Along with the growth spurt, it also comes with less ability to stay on a nap schedule or sleep through the night with no sleep disruptions!... A bummer for us at night time. But its worth it to see him growing and developing so much!
We love you so much Hudson and can't wait to continue making wonderful memories with you! You make our lives meaningful every day. xoxo
YAY! You have a blog! Finally someone else I know that blogs! Im glad I saw you on my blog as a follower! Im so happy to see you are doing well! You have such a handsome baby! And YOU of course are gorgeous as ever in all the photos! :) Miss ya!