Owe!... those needles look vicious! My poor Hudson had his 4 month vaccinations today. 3 total, one he took oraly, and the other two were done simultaneously in either leg :-(.... I must admit when his sweet smile turned to that puckered lip followed by tears and screams of pain,I too almost started crying. Last time it was a little easier to cope with because Derek was there to comfort both of us, but this time he was in trainings all day at work, and I had to bear it alone.. although this time I had wisened to the idea of giving Hudson baby tylenol before he went in, so atleast the crying lasted only seconds this time. He was very easy to comfort as soon as I wrapped him in his little blanky and held him close, it was all better. The sweet pea slept all the way home too.... Besides the shots, Dr. Schwendiman told me some bittersweet news... that Hudson, now being 4 months of age now gets to start sleeping in his own crib, in his own room. Which means him being clear across the house from us at nights! I didn't think I would care at all when it came time for him to stop sleeping in his little bassinet right next to our bed, but I also got emotional over that. To make things a little bit sadder, apparently Hudson's weight gain isn't progressing as fastly as it has the past two check ups, and he only weighs about a pound and a half more than last time, at 13 lbs 3 oz. The Doctor said his level of concern is small for now, but I guess he is worried about my milk production, and wants me to offer a formula supplement after each nursing session now! I was planning on nursing him up to a year, not 4 months:(... but Schwendiman said there is one thing I can try to restimulate my milk production, which is an herbal supplement called FenuGreek. You take it 3 times a day, and I guess if its going to work, ill notice a difference in about 2 weeks. So for 2 weeks Ill be praying very hard for more milk! I just really wanted to nurse him for longer, I'm not ready to give that up yet....
Any way here he is today... notice the sad little blue bandaids on his chunky lil thighs :-)
Being such a good sport :)
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