Sunday, August 29, 2010

Anne Morrison Park

Yesterday Derek, Hudson, and I decided to enjoy the last nice day of summer that was forecasted for a while. since the rest of the week is suppost to be kind of stormy, and then it will be getting into fall... already! So any way we went to Anne Morrison Park where we walked around with Hudson and took some cute pictures in the grass over by the Boise River. Hudson LOVES to be outside! He's always so calm and happy when were spending time outside...

My two sweet boys <3

Hudson and daddy relaxing at the park... Hudson LOVES spending time with his DADDY!

Hudson has been sucking on his fist recently... its pretty adorable :-)

Still showing that he's "number 1" !

Happy angel baby enjoying the park

Mommy and Hudson

So cuddly...

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine ...


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sleep ... :-)

Thank you my sweet angel baby.... for sleeping 8 hours a night, every night now. It turns out Dr. Schwendiman was right (as always), you know how I said he adivised Hudson to start sleeping in his own room at nights?.. well it works... ever since the Dr. appointment this week Hudson has slept not til 6:30 a.m...but til almost 8 in the morning consistently! halleluljiah :-) I guess once infants hit 4 months of age, they are more alert as they pass through the sleep cycles, and when they are in the lighter sleep stage at night, they can easily smell or hear you if they are in the same room. So then of course they will wake up wanting you. I was sceptical of this theory at first, and sad to let Hudson start sleeping alone, but it was well worth it! Because now he gets a full 8 or more hours sleep... and so does mommy and daddy, yay. The rice cereal I put in his nightime bottle helps too I'm sure. And I still can't bring myself to take down his sweet bassinet in our room though... haha, I guess I'm in major denial that my baby is growing up. I still have him take naps in there during the day though.. so its still useful :)

Yesterday was Hudson's cousin Dejah's 6th Birthday party. It was on Warm Springs downtown at the Natatorium. Since we realized that the party was last night a half hour before it started.. we only were there for the last little bit of it. But atleast we got cute Dejah her present, and got some CUTE pics of daddy and Hudson in the pool.
I love you two sooo much!

It started to get dark, but we will have to take Hudson swimming again sometime soon because he really loved being in the water!... as he loves his bathtime as well! :)

Thanks for inviting us Dejah and Anna... it was fun for the small amount of time we were there!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

6lbs 10 oz ...

I was looking at some pictures today, and couldn't believe how TINY Hudson was when he was born... 6 lbs 10 oz, and 19 1/2 inches long!. Now he is a whopping 26 inches!

2 days old, laying on daddy at the hospital <3

....and sooo much DARK hair

first week home

I love this little pear outfit

coming home from his 2 week doctor appointment

taking a nakey nap

My little bunny

3 weeks old... at Bardenay

getting bigger... and more giggly :-)

Monday, August 23, 2010

4 month vaccines!

Owe!... those needles look vicious! My poor Hudson had his 4 month vaccinations today. 3 total, one he took oraly, and the other two were done simultaneously in either leg :-(.... I must admit when his sweet smile turned to that puckered lip followed by tears and screams of pain,I too almost started crying. Last time it was a little easier to cope with because Derek was there to comfort both of us, but this time he was in trainings all day at work, and I had to bear it alone.. although this time I had wisened to the idea of giving Hudson baby tylenol before he went in, so atleast the crying lasted only seconds this time. He was very easy to comfort as soon as I wrapped him in his little blanky and held him close, it was all better. The sweet pea slept all the way home too.... Besides the shots, Dr. Schwendiman told me some bittersweet news... that Hudson, now being 4 months of age now gets to start sleeping in his own crib, in his own room. Which means him being clear across the house from us at nights! I didn't think I would care at all when it came time for him to stop sleeping in his little bassinet right next to our bed, but I also got emotional over that. To make things a little bit sadder, apparently Hudson's weight gain isn't progressing as fastly as it has the past two check ups, and he only weighs about a pound and a half more than last time, at 13 lbs 3 oz. The Doctor said his level of concern is small for now, but I guess he is worried about my milk production, and wants me to offer a formula supplement after each nursing session now! I was planning on nursing him up to a year, not 4 months:(... but Schwendiman said there is one thing I can try to restimulate my milk production, which is an herbal supplement called FenuGreek. You take it 3 times a day, and I guess if its going to work, ill notice a difference in about 2 weeks. So for 2 weeks Ill be praying very hard for more milk! I just really wanted to nurse him for longer, I'm not ready to give that up yet....

Any way here he is today... notice the sad little blue bandaids on his chunky lil thighs :-)

Being such a good sport :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First time trying rice cereal!

Can't believe it, my baby turned 4 months old yesterday, August 21st. So we decided it was time to let him try his first bowl of rice cereal. Since he also has been acting extra hungry lately, we wanted to see if feeding him cereal at night would help stuff him and keep him sleeping longer at night... since he stopped sleeping all night long about 2 weeks ago!:-( Derek and I are guessing that the reason he hasn't been consistently sleeping lately is because he is going through a growth spurt and is simply waking up due to hunger. For about a month and a half he slept very consistently, but 7 hours a night, from around midnight to 7 or 7:30 am.. but it hasn't been so great the past 2 weeks as I already said. Any way, we fed him the rice cereal, which was ADORABLE! He seemed to actually quite enjoy it rather than hate it like I had anticipated he would. We were at my parents house, and of course we recorded it... and to Derek and I's wonderful surprise he slept much better last night!.. still not quite as long as he used to, but atleast he is PROgressing, instead of REgressing now!... here is the video :)So we'll see how he does tonight again, and tomorrow is another story because he has his 4 month shots. Poor bebe boy!... wish me luck, it always breaks my heart watching him cry like that! Hopefully, since im giving him tylenol this time it won't be quite so traumatizing for him.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hairspray and Never ending story

I am feeling quite a bit better today, thanks to the antibiotics my sweet mother-in-law had extra of, and gave to me. But still not well enough to take care of Hudson alone all day again. So my mommy came over again today and brought me treats and the movie "Hairspray". I had been wanting to see it for a long time, and since its not really a Derek movie, we decided to watch it together while I was stuck in the house sick. Emily came over with my mom, and we all three had a great time watching it. Its such a cute movie! I loved it. Hilarious with John Travolta in it playing the huge mom lolol! Anyway, later on Derek came home and we started watching Never Ending Story from our netflix account. I must say it brought back tons of memories from my child hood, since Nat and I used to watch it at least once a week, definately one of my old favorites! So, now its about 11:30 and things are winding down, Hudson just went to bed, and Derek had a lonnggg night with him last night so he went to bed early too. Hopefully tonight is a better one! Its just been hard with Hudson being sick the past few days because it totally threw him off of his feeding/sleep schedule I had him on, which means him not sleeping through the night recently. Thats ok, I just hope last night was the last one like that! Guess we'll see.... goodnight!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


So Yesterday Hudson and I both woke up feeling a little under the wheather... and today I woke up feeling TERRIBLE! Sore SORE throat, caughing, sneezing, stuffy nose, the works basically. Luckily I have my mommy close by to come watch Hudson for me today so I can rest and hopefully get better soon. I already have missed my little brother Nick's birthday last night at PF Changs. Which I was very sad about because I do LOVE Changs!... ANyway, just a sob story from me I guess. Hopefully Hudson and I make a recovery by the weekend!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The past week Derek, Hudson, and I were house/cat sitting for the Hortin's. It was hard transplanting Hudson to a new home, it kind of threw him off schedule at night time, which meant waking up at 4 am opposed to 7, but it was also fun because they have a cool house! Here are a few pics of Hudson enjoying their jacuzzi tub, and posing for the cam :)...

I love him!

Hudson loves when daddy sings " Whinnie the Poo" after bath time!

time to snuggle

Derek giving Hudson his medicine before he goes down for a nappy...