Hmmm, Kinda hate those moments when you really really want to blog, but procrastinate it because its been so many weeks, and so much has happened that you don't even know where to begin in trying to describe it all in a nutshell. I guess I'll make this post, since its the first post in my catch-up session, the one focusing on Thanksgiving. Which was an amazing Holiday with my Nana and Grandpa Lew especially since they rarely get to spend holidays with us. Hudson just loves Grandpa and Nana, they are two proud GREAT Grandparents of their grandaughter's (me) son. So we spent most of the week while they were in town just catching up on good times. Hudson is always the center of entertainment for the whole family now, so when I think of what I am going to write in my posts it usually comes down to more like "what did Hudson do this Thanksgiving" ha! Its true, everyone.. and everything revolves around my precious Hudson. Which is how I want it. Hudson is my everything, and knows how to make me feel so happy with just a simple smile, and his sweet kiss. Since were focusing on Thanksgiving week on this particular post, I would like to say that Hudson is the thing that I am most grateful for this year. He has grown so much, exceeded all of my hopes and dreams for what a son could mean to a mother, and brings the most amazing and pure little spirit of love into our home, which by the way gets complimented on by our friends and family who come over and feel the warm loving tone in our home. Hudson has changed the way I look at life, and I feel that together, as a loving family can continue to have a positive outlook on the future and be able to conquer anything we put our minds together. I thank my grandparents, parents,my dear Husband, and my close loved ones for all of the support you have given me throughout the different phases of life that you have guided me through. Because today, I would certainly not be where I am now without it. So for that, I am truly thankful. Thank you "Thanksgiving" for giving us that annual reminder about all of our many, and often times forgotten blessings that are given us by our maker every day. Ultimately, thank you to my wonderful Heavenly Father, for all of our many blessings. ♥