first day home... snuggling on our bed :)
So I feel a little guilty because I haven't blogged AT ALL for a month... and it just so happens to be the first month of my baby's life. Even though I have been pretty dang busy with my little Hudson, I still wish I had been keeping up on this more because I want to remember everything about having him, bringing him home, and having him here with us FINALLY for the past 4 weeks.
To start with, he was born April 21st, at 7:21 p.m.. The day before his birth, spent the day walking around the mall, eating pizza, and getting a pedicure. All things which I was told could possibly induce labor. So I don't know if that had anything to do with me going into labor, or if it was just "time". At any rate, I started with pretty heavy contractions at around 7:30 the night of the 20th. I decided that they weren't consistant enough to be true labor, so decided to go to bed for the night. At around 4:30 that morning I woke up with hard contractions that were 5 minutes apart, so I told Derek it was time to go to the hospital. We got there around 5, and they hooked me up to the heart rate and contractions monitor... only to tell me that my contractions weren't close enough or strong enough, and to walk around the hospital for an HOUR to see if that made me progress at all... after about 20 minutes of walking, I had had enough, Derek and I went back upstairs to tell them that I couldn't walk any more due to pain. The nurse gave me a huggeee shot for pain and to help me sleep, and discharged me so I could go home and "get some rest". Well, I was definately in labor, and I ended up laboring at home for about 5 hours alone. Finally 11:00 am. rolls around and I was 3 minutes apart and was breathing through every contraction. Derek and I raged back to the hospital, and the nurse told me I was definately in labor, and that I was progressed enough to get the epidural right away. :-) ... All I remember after that pretty much was that my family arrived, hung out with us for a little while in the Delivery room, as soon as I got the epidural I fell asleep for quite a few hours, and then the nurse woke me up and told me I was dilated to a 9, and It was almost time to push. Derek and my mom were the only ones in the room besides the nurses and Dr. Hodges.I pushed for about and hour and 45 minutes (thats what Derek told me, I don't remember)...I didn't know how close I was to delivering, until the doctor told me to reach down and get my baby. I almost thought he was kidding, but I reached down and touched my warm, precious, soft, and amazing new born baby boy, Hudson... and pulled him right up onto my chest. Derek and I were both emotional, and it was an amazing experience. The best day of both of our lives. We are so glad you are here with us Hudson, you are so wonderful and the best blessing mommy and daddy have ever recieved. Thank you for coming to us, and making our lives so meaningful! We love you forever.