After taking Hudson to Dr. Schwendiman on the 22nd of April, I found out that Hudson needed to get a move-on with the whole crawling thing. The Doc told me that as his mommy (me) needed to stop catering to his every fuss and just let him figure out how to get to me or his toys, rather than me go get him every time! It was hard, but I let him cry it out on his stomach a few times. Derek and I had been working with him too as far as showing him how to move his arms and legs in motion.
Well, all the tears payed off, because on Tuesday night Hudson started crawling!! It was a total suprise to me, I was just making dinner, Derek was out running errands, and I looked over to the living room and Hudson was chasing a balloon!! I couldn't believe it happened just like that. So adorable and exciting! Ever since then, he realized he could be mobile, so he's been everywhere. I am already working on getting all breakables and small objects out of his reach.
The Doctor also gave us his "one month stats"
Height: 92nd percentile, 31 inches
Head circumference: 92nd percentile (explaining why he's so smart;)
Weight: 35th percentile, 21 lbs. 13oz.
He also says that Hudson is a very sociable baby, and smiles and interacts more than normal for his age! Oh we love this perfect little spirit!! ♥
Yay! Now watch out....he will be into everything before you even know it!