Thursday, April 21, 2011

Let's call it a YEAR!!

I thought I was clever when I put Hudson to bed tonight saying, "lets call it a year," instead of a "lets call it a night." haha. I seriously don't know where a year has gone though! I remember being in the hospital a year ago right now, not even out of the delivery room yet. I remember vividly the details of the whole delivery and hospital experience. It seems like it was just the other day, rather than 365 days ago!

Our sweet sweet Hudson. I can't begin to describe the joy that you have brought to our lives. Mom and Dad thought life couldn't get any better when we got married.... but then we had you. You have taught us more about ourselves in the past year, and brought so many wonderful aspects to life. Through the ups and downs, Daddy and I have become closer, stronger, more spiritual, harder workers, and most of all happier. I have honestly NEVER seen any one smile as much as you, especially someone your age. Just seeing that big grin makes makes it all worth it.

Mommy and Daddy will remember how special this year has been forever! As much as I wish I could stop time now, and keep you small forever, I also can't wait to see what you will do next. Everything you are is sacred and amazing. Thank you for choosing us as your earthly parents, what an honor it is to watch you grow, and help you learn right from wrong in this world. We love you forever our sweet angel baby, and can't wait to make many more precious memories with you!!

xoxoxoxo ♥ ♥

........ More Birthday Photo's and fun coming tomorrow ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Under the Sea Birthday Party!! :)

Octopus cake I had tons of fun making!.. Hudson went straight for the eyes when we let him dig into it. I will have to download the video of that!

Yesterday was Hudson's first Birthday party! Although he doesn't officially turn "one year old" until April 21st, which is this coming Thursday. We decided to celebrate the weekend before because it was a Saturday so we knew more people would be available that day. Also, my Mom and sister Emily are leaving for New York early Wednesday morning so Emily can play at Carnegie Hall with her Orchestra, EXCITING! :) Im so proud of her, but when my Mom invited me to go to New York and watch her play, I couldn't bare the thought of being away from Hudsie on his first Birthday!

Any way, we had such an awesome time yesterday! I couldn't be more pleased with the turn-out and all of our sweet friends and family who came to celebrate our babie's life with us. I genuinely had so much fun decorating our house, making his Octopus cake, and setting up all of our games and prizes for the party.
Our baby boy was starting to get fussy right before every one showed up, and then his cousins and little baby friends showed up, and he got sooo excited to see them, and started playing immediatlely. I'm glad he had so much fun at his Birthday Party...Here are a FEW of the many pictures that my Mom and sister Nat took. So fun! ♥

My adorable friend Chelsea and Hudson's "girlfriend," Lucy. :)

Hudson and his Sponge Bob pinata

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Edwards Green house :)

We took Hudson to Edward's Greenhouse on Tuesday. My sister Natalie worked there last summer, and wanted to come and help me pick some cute flowers for my yard.
It is such a beautiful greenhouse and they have sooo many fun and unique plants! Hudson loved it so much too! I never knew that a Greenhouse could be so relaxing and therapeutic... it might have to become a weekly ritual :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Boise Zoo

Since last weekend was FINALLY nice enough to be outside, we took Hudson to the Boise Zoo for the first time! It was such a warm, sunny day. I'm not sure if Hudson was looking at the animals the whole time, or just staring at the plants, but either way he had a lot of fun and was such a happy boy the whole day! ...

Looking at the brown bears!

This picture doesn't do these beatiful purple buds justice!! They were so big and perfect. Love spring time :)

Butterfly exhibit at the zoo

As much as I love zebra print in my house, I would NEVER want real zebra skin, these are definately my favorite animal! Sooo gorgeous and calm. Amazing...

Until getting this close to a tiger, I honestly had NO idea just how huge they really are. This picture just looks like another photo of a tiger, but in person it was jaw dropping to see the size of its paws and how wide his torso was. Just everything was massive. I have a lot more respect for tigers, especially after seeing how long each of its claws were! Yikes ...

Having fun in the warm sunshine! We all loved it so much!!

So glad we got to spend one last fun day with daddy before he headed to Texas for work! At least he will be back in about 2 weeks for Hudson's first Birthday! We miss you Derek ♥



Ive been busy, planning Hudson's first birthday, college, my sister Natalie moving in with us, my sister Emily is getting married, and now, my Husband is in Tyler Texas. Which leaves me alone to plan the rest of Hudsie's party as well as take care of everything else around here. The honest truth is that I HATE being home alone. I miss Derek too much and Im too social to spend the evenings by myself. I have to say though that having my sis here has been really nice, she helps out with cooking and taking care of Hudson. We have been bonding a lot which is so great since we have never been that close before. It's a lot of fun having her here!

So, Hudson's birthday party is "under the sea" themed. He has always been mesmerized by fish tanks, and his Baby Einstein videos that have sea life in them. So I have decided to do the Octopus cake, I went to Zurkers and got two baseball cake pans which put together make the Octopus head. I then add twinkies for the tentacles which is what the "head" will rest on. To decorate I use the icing decorating tips with the star tip. Making lots of little "stars" all over the whole cake. It is time consuming, but worth it! I practiced once already and it turned out pretty cute. :)
Zurkers also had everything and more I could have wanted for party decor, prizes, and party favors. I can't wait for his Birthday! It's going to be the 16th and I sent out all my invitations already. I would have done it on his actual Birthday, the 21st, but Em and Mom will be in New York.... or at least they are suppost to be. Now that Em suddenly got engaged yesterday, I'm not sure if she will want to leave her Fiance' for New York any more??.. but that is another story.

Anyway, Derek will be home the 15th so he won't miss his son's first Bday party, and the rest of the summer will be a juggling act because so many events are coming up. What I mean is that I will either be flying to Texas and back a lot to see Derek, or he will be flying here to see us in between everything going on. We'll see. I'm really excited to go visit him there for a while though. I'm all about the adventor of moving to a new city and exploring. This time will be easier too because I won't have to move ANY furniture or decorations, just some clothes for us. :-)