This last week was a particularly busy and exciting week for our fam!! My Nana flew in last Sunday night, and Grandpa Lew flew all the way from Detroit Michigan on Monday. every day leading up to Thankgsgiving, we did a fun event for the day, so the week raced by so quickly since we were having so much fun! Monday, after Gramp Lew got in, we went to Johnny Carinos and ate dinner all together. Derek had to be on a business trip Monday and Tuesday to Phoenix, so I brought Hudson by my self but there were lots of people that wanted to hold him anyway, especially his Great Nana! ... On Tuesday evening, we all went downtown Boise to the BSU sub and went bowling there! Grampa Lew is a professional bowler, so we had an awesome time watching him and he totally gave me some great tips on how to throw the ball, haha, guess I was throwing it a little too hard!! On Wednesday, Derek got home from his Phoenix trip, so he was able to watch Hudson for me that day while we all went to Greenhurst Nursery, which is an awesome little Christmas nursery/ boutique in Nampa. It totally gets you in the Christmas spirit, and gives amazing theme ideas and just general Christmas decorating ideas!! A little too spendy to actually buy there, but its fun to look and "mock" the ideas from a bit more of an affordable store. I had actually already put my tree up a few days before, so I just got a few awesome ornaments to add to my blingy tree, as well as a "baby's first Christmas" ornament. A baby snowman with a baby-blue sparkly scarf. Precious.... Any way the days flew by, and the next thing we know its Thanksgiving day! I made a Razzleberry pie, and brought some orderves which were Hickory Farms summer sausage, and some yummy cheeses, dips, and crackers! YUM. Nana made her infamous stuffing, which is delicous, Mom made the DELICIOUS turkey,mashed potatoes and gravy and the green been casserole, and Aunt Kala brought some tasty sweet potatoes and a delicious brie, honey, and walnut orderve! Very gormet. Im sure Im missing something from our large Thanksgiving feast menu, but overall, it was all amazing, and all the pies were delish too. Hudson even ate some sweet potatoes, and mashed up green beans with us! He loves Thanksgiving :-). Later on in the evening we all played games, and then played the piano and sang Christmas hymns. Perfect day. I have lots of pics from the week, but haven't found the camera cord to connect it to the computer yet. So ill upload asap!
It was bittersweet saying bye to Grandpa and Nana, because they probably won't see Hudsy again til March, and he just grows too fast! They left Friday afternoon after a Birthday lunch for Grandpa Lew at Applebees, so atleast we got to hang out one more day after Thanksgiving. Im glad Hudson has such caring and sweet Grandparents, and will always have so much family to love and care for him! I know he feels loved, and I couldn't ask for a more precious baby. I'm so grateful for so much this past Thanksgiving week. My heart is overflowing with love and gratitude for the great example my family is to me. For an amazing sweet Husband, and for my Heavenly Father especially for the many blessings he has poured upon my little family this past year! :-)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
7 month old baby already
Here are some recent pictures from Hudson's past month.
I bundled him up yesterday and took him out to enjoy his first snowfall. He wasn't quite sure what to think of it at first, but then decided he LOVED it and was flashing the camera big smiles the whole time we were outside. Mommy loves watching him discover new fun things :-)

Hudson and his Great Great Grandma LaRae. Such precious pictures. Im glad we have photos that Hudson can look at one day and in some ways get to know his sweet Grandma :-)

We were at a baby shower this weekend, and baby Lucy and Chels were there, so Hudson and Lucy were playing together on the blanky the whole time. I think they are girlfriend and boyfriend. They are sooo cute together :-)

My big lucious bunny cheeks ♥

Here he is tonight, after his big "birthday dinner" :-) ...

Some things he has been up to at 7 months old:
* Still gets swaddled at night and during naps, he won't sleep without being bundled
* sleeping around 11 to 12 hours straight at night
* I think he's teething, but its been going on for a while now, so I'm not sure
* naps 2 times a day, for about 2 1/2 hours each
*Smiles at everyone, and NOT shy at all!
* Recently likes to snuggle for long periods of time, rather than getting bored with it, we all are enjoying that ♥
* Sitting up on his own for atleast 30 to 60 seconds at a time
* almost grown out of his swing
* rolls on his own terms, hasn't mastered the skill yet but will once in a while :)
* he takes steps when daddy or mommy "walk" with him on the floor
* likes to grab his stuffed animals and hug and snuggle them for a long time.
* one of my favorites, he unintentionally says "mamma" when he is upset or fussing!
* Loves his baths, they will calm him down no matter what
* Eats lots and lots now! Loves; avocado, applesauce, nannas, prunes, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, yogurt, and he will even eat little bits of bread when Grampa feeds it to him during sunday dinners :-) so cute! Still VERY picky about eating his bottles, which makes me suspicious about teething still. But isn't picky on his solids, he loves them!
Mommy and Daddy love our little angel baby so much! The more you grow and develop the more inlove with you we are. You are such a delight and bring so much to our lives every day. We can't even imagine what life was like without you, and can't wait to see what you do next!! Love you Hudson bear ♥
I bundled him up yesterday and took him out to enjoy his first snowfall. He wasn't quite sure what to think of it at first, but then decided he LOVED it and was flashing the camera big smiles the whole time we were outside. Mommy loves watching him discover new fun things :-)
Hudson and his Great Great Grandma LaRae. Such precious pictures. Im glad we have photos that Hudson can look at one day and in some ways get to know his sweet Grandma :-)
We were at a baby shower this weekend, and baby Lucy and Chels were there, so Hudson and Lucy were playing together on the blanky the whole time. I think they are girlfriend and boyfriend. They are sooo cute together :-)
My big lucious bunny cheeks ♥

Here he is tonight, after his big "birthday dinner" :-) ...
Some things he has been up to at 7 months old:
* Still gets swaddled at night and during naps, he won't sleep without being bundled
* sleeping around 11 to 12 hours straight at night
* I think he's teething, but its been going on for a while now, so I'm not sure
* naps 2 times a day, for about 2 1/2 hours each
*Smiles at everyone, and NOT shy at all!
* Recently likes to snuggle for long periods of time, rather than getting bored with it, we all are enjoying that ♥
* Sitting up on his own for atleast 30 to 60 seconds at a time
* almost grown out of his swing
* rolls on his own terms, hasn't mastered the skill yet but will once in a while :)
* he takes steps when daddy or mommy "walk" with him on the floor
* likes to grab his stuffed animals and hug and snuggle them for a long time.
* one of my favorites, he unintentionally says "mamma" when he is upset or fussing!
* Loves his baths, they will calm him down no matter what
* Eats lots and lots now! Loves; avocado, applesauce, nannas, prunes, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, yogurt, and he will even eat little bits of bread when Grampa feeds it to him during sunday dinners :-) so cute! Still VERY picky about eating his bottles, which makes me suspicious about teething still. But isn't picky on his solids, he loves them!
Mommy and Daddy love our little angel baby so much! The more you grow and develop the more inlove with you we are. You are such a delight and bring so much to our lives every day. We can't even imagine what life was like without you, and can't wait to see what you do next!! Love you Hudson bear ♥
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Fall pictures

This year, I am actually trying to get my Christmas shopping and cards sent out early. Instead of procrastinating like I always do and stressing myself to the point of forgetting the true meaning of Christmas. So I had my Mom take some "winter" pictures of us by the same barn where Derek and I had some of our engagements done. I thought it was kind of a special location to get some family pictures with Hudson in them now.
Mom had buzz lightyear in her hand trying to get Hudson to smile, because he hasn't been feeling the best lately due to teething symptoms. But he did really well during the shoot and was content and smiley for most of it! I was sooo relieved, now all I have to do is find the best ones to put on my Christmas cards, any suggestions?? :-)

Daddy and Hudson ♥

This hat is sooo soft and warm, love it!

I love him so much :)

Really like this one, probably not for the card though...?


Sunday, November 7, 2010
Teething, and so grateful :)
Im 99% positive Hudson is REALLY teething this time. I thought he was about 6 weeks ago, when he didn't want to nurse anymore, because it was hurting his gums to nurse. But that obviously wasn't it, since he still hasn't popped a tooth out yet almost a month and a half later! I have had my suspicions about this a few times since then as well, but now he has more "teething symptoms" than ever. He woke up 2 days ago with a very runny nose, not colored just clear so I knew it wasn't an infection or a cold. He is having a hard time sleeping all the way through the night lately too, which I am guessing its due to gum pressure and waking up feeling uncomfortable. Also, it has been SOOO hard to get him to eat his bottles. He doesn't seem to mind eating food off of a spoon, but I have heard that the sucking motion can cause pressure on the gums and hurt during teething. We basically have to trick him into eating lately by putting lots of apple juice in his bottles so its tasty enough to make it worth the "pain" of drinking his bottle. The drool is another fact of evidence that he is teething, because there is a LOT of it lately. My poor Hudson is so irratable and not himself lately too, and I am just trying to keep up on the baby ibprofen and tylenol so that he can nap and eat easier.
Today it was next to impossible to get him to be happy all 3 hours at church. Derek even took him up to bare his testimony with him. We spent most the time walking the halls with him, and even at that, he just didn't feel great. So we took him home before 3rd hour and got him some medicine and his beloved crib, which is practically the only place he will sleep these days. Im glad he loves sleeping in his crib so much, but sometimes I miss those days where I could get him to fall asleep in my arms anywhere, and he would sleep so good snuggling in my lap.
Basically our sweet little Hudson just isn't as good natured as he normally is the past few days, and I am certain I will find a little white tooth any day now. I LOVE his gummy smile that he always shows off, but also can't wait to see what he looks like with some cute lil toofs. :-)
Derek and I feel like Hudson is just growing and changing too fast these days, and we can't even keep up with him! I just hope we can take it all in while it lasts because to me its impossible that he is 6 months old already, and in just the same amount of time as its been already, he will be 1 year old!! Again, it seems literally impossible, but thats how fast time flys when you have an amazing baby to keep you busy, and having fun with every day. I look back on what my life was just 2 years ago, never in my dreams could I have imagined such an amazing life with 2 incredible sweet boys to take care of me and love me so much. Derek and Hudson are my life, and I am truly grateful for who I have become because of both of them. Each changing and touching my life in different ways. But they make me so happy. I have to remember this every day, because sometimes I get caught up in myself, and feel sorry and become selfish in myself. If I think of the many blessings I have everyday, there should be no reason to throw the little pitty parties I have for myself!! Thank you Hudson and Derek for being my everything. I love you both forever ♥
Today it was next to impossible to get him to be happy all 3 hours at church. Derek even took him up to bare his testimony with him. We spent most the time walking the halls with him, and even at that, he just didn't feel great. So we took him home before 3rd hour and got him some medicine and his beloved crib, which is practically the only place he will sleep these days. Im glad he loves sleeping in his crib so much, but sometimes I miss those days where I could get him to fall asleep in my arms anywhere, and he would sleep so good snuggling in my lap.
Basically our sweet little Hudson just isn't as good natured as he normally is the past few days, and I am certain I will find a little white tooth any day now. I LOVE his gummy smile that he always shows off, but also can't wait to see what he looks like with some cute lil toofs. :-)
Derek and I feel like Hudson is just growing and changing too fast these days, and we can't even keep up with him! I just hope we can take it all in while it lasts because to me its impossible that he is 6 months old already, and in just the same amount of time as its been already, he will be 1 year old!! Again, it seems literally impossible, but thats how fast time flys when you have an amazing baby to keep you busy, and having fun with every day. I look back on what my life was just 2 years ago, never in my dreams could I have imagined such an amazing life with 2 incredible sweet boys to take care of me and love me so much. Derek and Hudson are my life, and I am truly grateful for who I have become because of both of them. Each changing and touching my life in different ways. But they make me so happy. I have to remember this every day, because sometimes I get caught up in myself, and feel sorry and become selfish in myself. If I think of the many blessings I have everyday, there should be no reason to throw the little pitty parties I have for myself!! Thank you Hudson and Derek for being my everything. I love you both forever ♥
Monday, November 1, 2010
Hudson's rolling!!! :-)
YAY! Last night, Hudson was was laying right by me on the couch while I was getting him all nakey to take a bath, I looked up for a minute and was talking to Derek about something, and I suddenly felt Hudson move away from me, and I looked down to see he had rolled over while trying to reach his binky! We have been trying for several weeks to encourage the rolling, but he never seemed to want to do it on his own. Lately I have been leaving him on a blanky with several toys around him placed just far enough away so that he would have to roll over to reach them. It finally worked last night! And then he rolled back over onto his back after getting his binky. I am sooo proud of my little man. Today he rolled again during his afternoon playtime, so I'm sure he has caught on to the fact that if he wants anything, he can just roll to it :-) step, scooting, then CRAWLING!
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